Green Connection Association is located in Miskolc, Hungary. We are an NGO dealing with environmental issues. We have the well-known environmentalist Zsuzsanna F. Nagy working as part of our staff with more than 20 years of experience.
Hungarian Network of Eco-counselling Offices
- Established in 1997, the network consist of 16 Hungarian and 2 foreign NGOs.
- The aim is to develop eco-counselors system and to organize country-wide and local campaigns and making publications of environmental protection.
Green Connection Association
- Established in 2005, its aim is to be a legal entity in environmental protection issues, connection between different sectors in society, manage Green Voluntary Program and to organize environment awareness events.
- Composting program for local inhabitants.
- YouTube video that highlights some of the work that the NGO have accomplished:
- Country-wide environmental awareness campaigns: the campaign is about eco-constructions, waste reduction, eco-friendly household, water saving techniques and alternative energy resources.
- Eco-community development for story-building habitants: this involves local inhabitants renewing a public space and providing community programs such as collective tree planting, park recultivation and cleaning, family days, hiking.
- Environmental education: Unique children camp in Létrástető, Bükk-Mountain: since 1992.
Environmental awareness program for schools/kindergarten: We have close partnership with schools and we get 10-15 calls from them every year. - „Green Volunteers in Miskolc” program: This program provides trainings, corresponding list, volunteer coordination, Facebook group. We have 600-700 voluntary hours per year, 20 active volunteers (150 registrated).
- Bike programs: during the week of European Mobility Week we provide a lot of programs for motivate people to ride bike. We received “Best Organizers” honorable mention from Local Government of Miskolc City. As a part of week, there is a Bike tour in Bükk Mountain (30, 50, 80, 110 km) with 200-300 participants.
- Good practices: introduce how to save environment, money and health in our Eco-house, compost garden, Eco-gardening Group, Questing ways
- Environmental legal aid service: since 2003, with the leading of European Environmental Protection Layer in environmental issues for inhabitants and organizations.
- Training and conferences: Fair Trade, International Year of Soil, composting
For further information contact:
Zöld Kapcsolat Egyesület / Green Connection Association
3525 Miskolc, Kossuth str. 13. (Hungary),
Mobile: +36-30/178-7651 or +36-70/600-2852
Környezeti Tanácsadó Irodák Hálózata / Hungarian Network of Eco-counselling Offices
3525 Miskolc, Kossuth utca 13.
Green Connection Association
We have the following needs
- electrical tools for gardening, office equipment, promotion materials, materials for environmental awareness programs, reusable items for example office paper, paper supplies, etc.
We are also interested in developing
- potential partnerships and project ideas